2024-2025 OFFICERS


Squad Leaders: Spencer Schurawel & Simone Tonini

Lieutenant: Luisa Kosar

The Color Guard

The Kiltie Color Guard is a full year, 1 credit, eurhythmics class with some special and unique differences.  

The Kiltie Color Guard twirl show flags during the half-time show, also become a historic color guard for parades. 

Their thirty-eight (38) 3' x 5' fringed flags represent:

1.  The five historical flags of Florida:

  • 1513 - "Royal Standard of Spain" (Lions &b Castles) -- Spain
  • 1564 - "Fleur-de-lis" -- France
  • 1763-1783 - "Kings Colors" - England
  • 1860 - "Stars & Bars" 1st flag of the Confederate (not to be confused with the Confederate Battle flag)
  • 1845 - "United States of America"

2.  Special Event Flags: 

  • 2000, 2006, 2019 - Hollywood
  • 1969, 1980, 1987 - Three Rose Parades
  • 1980, 1996, 2004 - Three Macy's Thanksgiving Day parades
  • 1989 - Dublin Ireland St. Patrick's Parade
  • Limerick Ireland International Music Festival
  • Two Fiesta Bands

3.  Countries the Kilties have visited:

Mexico Germany Ireland
Wales England Scotland




4.  Pasadena Rose Parade Tours -- 1969, 1980, 1987

Texas Alabama New Mexico
Mississippi Arizona Louisiana
California Florida  




5.  Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic - Chicago, Illinois, Tour

Kentucky Indiana South Carolina
Illinois Tennessee Georgia




6.  Macy's 1980 New York City Tour and the 1985 Inaugural Parade

North Carolina Maryland New Jersey
Virginia Washington, D.C. Delaware
New York    




The Color Guard is proudly led by Ms. Kayla Cavanaugh and Dr. Amy Earl, Instructors.  If you have questions about how to join the Kiltie Color Guard, please contact the Music Department. 

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